Mac Life
Okay, if you asked me a year ago, heck even 6 months ago if I would ever be a Mac user I would have told you no. Much has changed on that front. I guess you could say that I am all in now. I have gone from a 5 monitor, full tower workstation with neon lights and a constant background fan noise, to a single monitor (all be it a very wide monitor) and the small quiet foot print of a MacBook Pro.
Another outing and nothing to show for it :-(
Here I am again with another outing to take some photos and I really have nothing to show for it. It is not that the photos are bad, they are just not interesting. Perhaps I just needed to spend a little more time and come up with a better composition, or maybe it was just bad lighting, or maybe I am just way out of practice with actually taking photos. I mean, it has been a while.
Life placed on hold…
Imaging sitting down getting ready to edit your latest batch of photos, checking your email and perform some other random tasks when you see the dreaded notification that your OS requires patching. With great hesitation you approve the updates and then hold your breath….